Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Week 6: Video Review

For week 6 we were required to watch a video called "More Than Human."  I found this video to be very good and enjoyed watching it.  I especially liked seeing the gull experiment that was talked about in a previous video.  It's interesting to see how the body was depicted in ancient times.  Next we had a list of videos to choose from and we were required to watch three.  The first video I chose was "A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript."  This video explained how monks would write the word of God.  It was really up to the monks to record history. Since they couldn't talk, they left notes in the margins.  The monks did transcription until the printing press replaced them.  The next video I chose was "Cairo Museum."  I really enjoyed this one as it detailed the artifacts that are kept at the museum.  I was surprised to find out that not all items are on display.  Some are housed in the basement.  At the time of the video they were trying to determine what to display for the centennial celebration.  The final video I watched was "The Measure of All Things:  Greek Art and the Human Figure."  I chose this video because I believed it would tie in nicely with the first video we were required to watch as well as the readings.  I was right.  I was not aware that a lot of poetry was found.  For this week I thought the video enhanced the chapters we had to read and I really enjoyed watching them.

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