Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 7: Video Review

It's that time again.  Video review time.  This week we read three chapters in our text book and the videos that were selected to watch went perfectly.  We were asked to watch 4.  The ones I chose were:  The Great Wall (Japanese Art), Chinese Art: Treasures of the National Palace, African Art and Buddhism.  These videos were well put together and very informative and helped give meaning to the readings.  I chose the video on the Great Wall because I actually lived in Japan for 3 years and...I bought a print of this because I loved it so much.  I enjoyed learning more about it.  I really love Japanese art and bought several watercolors/paintings while there.  I selected the Chinese Art video because I was intrigued as to what the 33 items were and the museum itself.  I did some internet research and I can not believe how huge the collection is.  This is definitely a place I would love to visit for it's rich history.  I then watched the video on African Art.  I enjoyed understanding more the symbolism.  Finally I watched the video on Buddhism.  I chose this video because I have always wondered what their beliefs were.  I lived in Utah prior to moving to NY and there was a Buddhist Temple that I would drive by on a daily basis.  I would see the monks out in their beautiful robes.  It's interesting to see the architecture. There are only 3 more chapters left in our textbook so it will be interesting to see what videos we will get to watch to go along with them.

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