Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week Five: Art Making/Material Exploration #3: Installation

This week we were tasked to create an installation art piece.  I found this assignment to be very challenging.  First off, I don't really understand the concept of installation art.  Why is it that a person can place objects randomly and it's considered art.  I struggled to get this assignment done all week.  I'm on vacation visiting my family and my mother is very artistic and I even asked her for suggestions and she drew a blank.  I spent time looking through the internet.  Because installation art can be created with any type of material about any subject, that wasn't much help.  We did have to watch a video on installation art but I didn't feel a connection with any of the work.  I really like the work of Dale Chihuly.  He is famous for the glass flowers in the Bellagio in Vegas but he also did an installation piece for the 2002 Olympics that we held here in Salt Lake City. 

I knew for my piece that I wanted to use nature or the environment.  I'm currently staying in the home that I grew up in and my mother has a beautiful back yard to I chose to install my artwork there.  I wasn't sure what type of materials I was going to use so I went to a local store called Hobby Lobby hoping for some inspiration.  As I walked around, I was getting more and more overwhelmed and then it hit me what I wanted to do.

I purchased several items from the craft store including a floor dust mop, 2 hand dusters, googly eyes, bandannas and duct tape.  I used trash from the house.

My piece is entitled:  Distracted (2011)  In my piece, the mop (young girl) is responsible for cleaning up the trash that is littered around the yard, however she gets distracted by the butterfly that lands in her hand. 

I didn't enjoy this project at all.  I don't feel very creative and art may come naturally to some in my family (my mother and daughter) but it skipped a generation.  I don't know how artists come up with their concepts.  I was telling my mom about the boats sculpture in front of the Albright-Knox and trying to determine why that is considered art.  I guess it falls back to beauty...or art in this case, is in the eye of the beholder.


  1. I thought your art material exploration was very neat for you not enjoying it. I think how you used everyday objects to make something was very cool, I usually when creating stuff stick to what I know and that seems to tie my hands together in a sense of being creative. But I think you did very well i enjoyed loking at some of these things and looking at what you used :)
