Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 9: The Modern World 1800-1945 - Video Blog

...and we're in the home stretch.  This week we finished reading the text book and to support the reading, we are doing two video blogs.  This first blog focuses on two videos of our chosing about the modern world.

The first video I chose was a comparative video of the artwork of Matisse and Picasso.  The video was aptly named Matisse and Picasso.  I loved this video because it included actually footage as well as first hand insight.  I love the contrast between the two artists.  Matisse being more rational where Picasso was more impulsive.  I loved learning about their style and continued to do research by checking several sites on the web.

The second video I chose was about Expressionism.  The video focused on the works of several artists and the way the video was set up, you could go back and just watch the parts about the individual artists you wanted to focus on.  This video was a little dry but I did enjoy seeing the work of the different artists.  I found it interesting that Anselm Kiefer called his "Interior" a work of mourning.  This picture depicts the Mosaic Room (in Hitler's Reich Chancellery) merged with the room from Davinci's  "Last Supper."

I wish the videos had been a little shorter in length as I start to lose interest at about the 40 minute mark. 

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