Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 7 - Art Making/Material Exploration Drawings - Exploring Line

This week we had to draw our hands, first with our dominate hand  (for me, right drawing my left hand) and then non-dominate hand (left drawing right).  First off, drawing with either hand is not my forte so just getting the shape of the hands was hysterical.  I ended up tracing them to get the shape.  I think the outline of the left looks much better than the right.  I chose to use pencil because I felt I would make a mess with charcoal.  I started first with my dominate hand because I felt it would be easier and then do the opposite hand.  I really didn't have a problem using my hand as the subject matter.  Would I ever think of using my non-dominate hand to create art...NO WAY!  Then again, I wouldn't use either hand.  I'd rather buy art, or admire art then c reate. I believe when you look at the picture, you can tell which was done with the dominate hand without me even telling you which one it was.  It also took me a lot longer than I thought the project would.  I spent more time on the non-dominate hand because I had to work on how to hold the pencil to make it work the way I wanted it to. 

I've attached a couple pictures because they are a little hard to see.  I'm in a hotel room this week and it's midnight so it's hard to get good lighting:

Try not to laugh when you look at the right can really see that I couldn't get it to look right.

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